My house cylindrical.mov
One of my first VRs when I got my pano head and made an adapter plate to do spherical VRs. It shows.
 Evergreen Spruce Goose.mov
The "Spruce Goose" at the Evergreen Aviation Museum
 Goose - parital spherical 5000.jpg preview
Nice spherical pic of the nose of the Goose
 Inside The Goose uncorrected.mov
Ever wonder what the inside of the Spruce Goose looks like?
 Under the Wing.mov
A 360 degree from under the wing
 spherical 2.jpg preview
Nice pic of a cherry B-17
 spherical.jpg preview
This was a handheld pic - no tripod used. Because most of the subject matter was far enough away to avoid parallax effects, it worked.
 Crater Lake cylindrical.jpg preview
21 megapixel image of Crater lake in early October, with snow
 Crater Lake cylindrical.mov
Quicktime VR of the same
 Nike Lake QuickTime.mov
My second VR - came out rather bland on the colors, but gives a nice view of the lake at Nike
A handheld (no tripod) VR of Nike when it got really cold and snowed. The nearby trees spoiled it, but the background came out OK
 Nike Mike Schmidt 1.mov
Another partial VR from a footbridge at Nike
 Nike Mike Schmidt 2.mov
 Nike Bo Jackson Center cylindrical.mov
The Bo Jackson center from it's soccer field
 nike front gate panorama.mov
Taken from the footbridge over the main entrance at Nike. Notice some of the gaps in coverage - a bad memory chip. Don't bother buying the cheap stuff!
 Tiger Woods cylindrical.mov
The courtyard at Nike's Tiger Woods center