Delta IVa

The Delta IV was built with funds from the Air Ministry due to the efforts of Professor Georgii. The DFS took over the airplane from the Fieseler Company. The pusher engine was removed and the forward elevators were removed, and the result renamed the Delta IVa.

During test flights, a sport plane crossed the path during final approach, and Weigmeyer's efforts to avoid the other plane, the Delta IVa stalled, rolled over onto it's back, and crashed. Wiegmeyer was miraculously unharmed.

The series of crashes in the Delta aircraft was discontinued in accord with a a decision of the Technical Commission, which was composed of representatives of the DVL and RLM (German Institute of Aeronautical Research, German Air Ministry). Their conclusion read: "The Delta type shows no promise and there is no prospect that this type of design will lead to a practical, serviceable aircraft."

Delta IVa schematic

The Delta IVa in flight. Note the the canard-like elevators have been removed
