Appendix A2: Halfspan Center of Lift for the Bell-Shaped Distribution

The formula for total lift is (Truckenbrodt):



(Tru. 5.42)

For a symetrical lift distribution only the halfspan may be used:


  with ;


(Equ. 00-01)

If the spanwise control points are aranged along a "central-angle" similar to the Multhopp-procedure, the following terms can be written: 




(Mul. 07)

This gives the following solution for one side (halfspan):




(Equ. 00-02)



(Equ. 00-03)

The rolling-moment of the halfwing is:



(Equ. A2-01)

This gives now 



(Equ. A2-02)

Accordingly to Bronstein (Bro. 356) this gives: 



(Equ. A2-03)

The halfspan center of lift is then:



(Equ. A2-04)