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Me 3 days after surgery, in my comfy pajamas
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Mom outside the hospital
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The entrance to the hospital while it's under construction
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The Pro-Spine offices, next to the hospital
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Me, Vicky, and Gary the day before surgery
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My anesthesiologist, Dr Maysk. He's jonesing for some Lucky Charms...
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Dr. Bertagnoli. I swear, his eyes actually twinkle!
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My ever-so-practial surgical outfit. This was taken just before I took the three magic pills and got whisked off for surgery. The stockings are anti-thrombosis (clot) stockings, which help prevent blood from pooling in the legs while laying down so long. I've got special, hospital provided mesh underwear under the gown, too - be glad that's not visible!
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My first shower, two days after surgery. That felt soooo good!
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Mom sending emails on my computer
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Vicky fiddling with her camera (maybe I should go to the bathroom again {inside joke})
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Mom, Vicky, and Gary two days after surgery
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Vicky watching over a sleeping Gary
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Dr. Stephanie Nickel, and Dr. Andrea Fenk-Mayer. The trick here was to get Dr. Fenk-Mayer to stand still long enough to get the shot - the woman is a human whirlwind, constantly in motion. She has more energy than anyone I've seen
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Everybody wants their picture taken with the doctors
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Gary, looking much better after scarfing down two units of blood