Weber State University Computer Science Degree

I graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from Weber State University in June of 1996. My emphasis in this program was Software Engineering

 My GPA for this degree is 3.78/4.0 overall, and 3.89/4.0 in my major.


My course curriculum was as follows:

 MA 341 Probability and Statistics I
 MA 342 Probability and Statistics II
 CS 213 Introduction to Unix
 CS 220 Structured Computing Using C++
 CS 225 Structured Computing Using Ada
 CS 278 Windows Application Programming
 CS 265 Computer Architecture I
 CS 266 Computer Architecture II - Assembly Language
 CS 302 Data Structures
 CS 310 Operating Systems
 CS 320 Object Oriented Programming in C++
 CS 325 Object Oriented Programming in Ada
 CS 328 Computer Graphics
 CS 355 Distributed Database Architecture, Management, and Application
 CS 371 Distributed Precessing and Network Design
 CS 372 Local Area Network Design
 CS 375 Software Engineering II
 CS 378 Advanced Windows Programming
 CS 382 Fundamentals of Compilers
 CS 400 Introduction to Real Time Systems
 CS 450 Artificial Intelligence with Expert Systems
 CS 451 Application of Expert Systems
 CS 452 Parallel Processing and Neural Networks
 CS 481 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
