
Charles Fauvel biography

Fauvel gliders and airplanes

Why a flying wing ?

Some technical materials...

In flight


Precursors and successors



Charles Fauvel and his flying wings

elcome to the pages of this site. Here we will introduce you to some rather unusual flying machines, the "flying wings" created by Charles Fauvel. This design formula, applied to light airplanes and gliders, has the peculiarity of using the wing both for lift and for stability, unlike the more conventional machines equipped with a horizontal empennage.

You may get an overview of the site's components using the menu in the opposite frame. You will find there the following items :

Charles Fauvel biography
A summary of Charles Fauvel's life
Gliders and airplanes
Characteristics of his machines
Why a flying wing ? 
Why use the flying wing design formula in experimental and light aviation ?
Some technical materials...
Some elements of aerodynamics allowing the operation of flying wings to be explained
In flight
Evaluations by several pilots
Documents about Fauvel-type flying wings
Precursors and successors
Other designers who influenced or were influenced by the work of Charles Fauvel
Bibliography and Internet links

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Site design and maintenance :

Christophe Bordeaux